Tres citas citables de Lakdahr Brahimi me invitan a escribir este post.
Hace unos cinco o seis años un activista político me dijo con cara de asco que no sería capaz de estrecharle la mano ni de llegar a un acuerdo con un conocido político. Me pareció ridículo porque el argumento era uno que parecía solo de supuesta entereza. La pregunta era entonces, a cuenta de que no hacerlo si lo que puede estar en juego es mucho más. Traigo porque me parecen relevantes estas tres citas:
“you have moments, words, attitudes that can make a difference...... when the contribution of the persona adds something vital and decisive to the social, political, historical forces that are at play.”
“To work in this field requires a kind of arrogance. You are taking on problems that are insoluble. But there is also humility. You will accomplish nothing much unless you are willing to risk utter failure.”
“People ask: How can you shake the hand of this one - a warlord, a criminal, a terrorist? This is the price to be paid for ending conflicts like these. You must keep the purpose in stop wars. I didn't go to Lebanon to meet nice people. The nice people are in Paris. I work with the people who are fighting wars.”